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Project: Pioneer is a live reality journal that’s part real-life ongoing drama, part personal finance/FIRE (CampFIRE!), part prepper/survivalist, part spiritualism/afterlife, part VanLife/RVLife. Sign up and buckle up. Giavana, Pia, and I welcome you to our adventure!

You read novels, but do you also like real-life drama? Many of you follow me because I write about dramatic, dangerous adventures. Giavana, Pia, and I are about to embark on one for real, and honestly, I'm a bit nervous about it. We’ve moved seven times in our eleven years together. On this journey, you’ll learn why. There are secrets to be told.

In short, we sold all our crap, and moved into a small RV, full-time, just before winter. Best case, it’s forever (we both have health issues). Worst case, we hope to make it a year.

It may eventually turn into a novel, and you may even become a character in it! Start thinking who will play you in the movie :-)

Read the first post to see what this is all about, and why we’re doing what we’re doing.

Follow the adventure for free via my posts on Substack. But, to interact, discuss, ask us questions, warn us from danger, give us advice, use our discussion/chat area, audio podcast, video updates, free ebooks/audiobooks, or just help us out a little, please subscribe!

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Subscribe to Project: Pioneer (Prepping, Politics, Afterlife, RVLife)

Project: Pioneer is a weekly reality journal that’s part real-life ongoing drama, part prepper/survivalist, part spiritualism/afterlife, part vanLIfe/RVLife, part personal finance/FIRE. Sign up and buckle up. Giavana, Pia, and I welcome you!


Billy DeCarlo writes novels and Project: Pioneer on Substack. He writes in hope to change the world, or at least a few minds. He still believes there are superheroes, and sees evidence of them sometimes on the news.